Thursday, 3 November 2016

100 years completed for the take off from this world

by the first plane-inventor of the world.
Image result for shivkar bapuji talpade

Dear friends,
I would like to throw a light on a man who firstly made an unmanned plane in 1895, eight years before wright brothers, completed 100 years for his take off from this world.
We can not forget his efforts as an Indian.

Shivkar Bapuji Talpade born in mumbai in 1864, studied from J. J. School of Art, Mumbai, made an unmanned plane named as 'Marutsakha'  which flew at a hight of 1500 feet. Famous Indian Judge Mahadev Govinda Ranade and H.H. Sayaji Rao Gaekwad were fortunate to see this experiment done on Girgaum Chowpati, Mumbai.

Unfortunately, this event was not recorded formally by the British Government.

To make this plane, he referred 'Rigvedic Bhashya Bhumika' and 'Rigved and Yajurved Bhashya' by Swami Dayanand Saraswati. He even studied fundamental principals of vimana from the Veda mantras and also vimanashastra written by Maharshi Bharadwaj.
My dear friends, all these books are available even today. Come forward to create something great which is already mentioned in Prachin Bharatiya Vimanashastra.

This great man was died in 1916.

Lets offer our 'SHRADDHANJALI' to this 'vimana-man'. And for this, only two months are left. I humbly request all the readers to remember this great inventor and his efforts by various activities. 

Shreehari V. G.

Ref. -

100 years completed for the take off from this world by the first plane-inventor of the world.

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