Presenting a Prize winning Parady in Sanskrit
on Despacito
दृष्टा शकटी सा
अयि Ohh..
मनसि in thoughts
दिवा in day time
भुञ्जे भुञ्जे I eat
सा माता मम दिवा रात्रौ मां ब्रूते
My mother day and night tells me
नैव सदैव खाद त्वं भोजनालये
Don't eat always in the restaurant.
खे ननु कथमपि स विहङ्गो रमते
But, as a bird enjoys in the sky
तथैव चित्तं रमते बहिस्स्थे भोजने
Similarly, my mind relishes in the outdoor food.
मे खलु आलुवटकं रोचते
I like batata vadaa
रसगोलकः खलु रोचते
Indeed I like Rasagulla
मधु खाद्यमेतत् जीवो हि तु खलु पुंसो
The sweets indeed is the life of a man
हा याहि न क्व इतोऽभुक्त्वा
Oh.. Don't go from this world without eating all these..
फलरसान् तु पिब अथ वा
At least drink fruit juice orelse..
खाद मूलफलानि त्वं शीघ्रम्
eat roots and fruits immediately.
दृष्टा शकटी सा
Meanwhile, That cart full of food items was seen..
बहुखाद्यपदार्थान् दृष्ट्वा
By seeing many eatables.
श्रीखण्डपूरिका गृहीता
I took Shrikhand puri
कुण्डलिका अपि बहु च भुक्ता
I eat many jilebees..
दृष्टा शकटी सा
That cart full of food items was seen..
कुर्कुरिका अपि मया च भुक्ता
I ate lot of fried chips
जलपूरिका मया भुक्ता
I ate pani Pooris..
वटिकरोटिका अपि क्व रे लुप्ता?
Where did this Vadaa pav become invisible?
न जाने न जाने किं च मे खादनीयम्?
I truly don't know what should I eat?
नैव कस्मै हि देयम्
which should be given to anyone.
सकलमपि चाशनीयम्
And should be eaten only by me.
खादनीयम् भोजनीयम्
Should be eaten.. Should be consumed..
पश्य रे पश्य रे पश्य आलुकम्
See, Oh you see that potato..
पश्य रे मधुरालुकम्
See that sweet potato
पश्य रे श्यामालुकम्
See that ginger
पश्य रे तन्मूलकम्
See that radish.
खादाम रे खादाम अधुना रे रे किम् किम्?
What should be eaten by us now?
पिबाम रे पिबाम अधुना रे रे किम् किम्?
What should be drunk by us now?
बुभुक्षा बहु मे अधुना अस्ति मध्याह्ने
Now, I am hungry a lot this afternoon.
अत्र तत्र अटामि किमर्थमस्मिन्नुद्याने
Why am I wandering here and there in this garden
धनमपि नास्ति किमपि मम नास्ति
I don't have money. I don't have anything.
पितुर्वित्तकोषेऽपि किमपि मम नास्ति
In my father's bank account, I don't have anything.
आनीत आनीतो लड्डुक आनीतः
Indeed ladoo is brought
पीयूषः अधुना स पीतो हि पीतः
Now indeed I drank Piyush
आनीता सर्वा आनीता गव्या
A bunch of sweets is brought.
एतानि च खाद्यानि न ते देयानि ।
I won't give these eatables to anyone.