Saturday 9 April 2016

Superbrain Yoga

Based on the research of Dr. Joie P. Jones of the Dept. of Radiological Sciences at the University of California, the exercise works using the body’s energy centres which absorb, digest, and distribute energy to different parts of the body. These primary energy centres are actually major acupuncture points. Acupressure energy points for the brain, eyes, forehead, mouth, ovaries, parotid, temples, and testes congregate around the area of the ear affected by pressure from the exercise. In addition, the finger pads used in the exercise stimulate neuropathways into the brain by activating acupuncture points on the earlobes. According to Dr. Jones, after doing the exercise, an EEG scan shows the right and left hemispheres of the brain have synchronized

About the Author


Author & Editor

He is a Teacher and researcher in Sanskrit language.


  1. Punishment or an excercise of Yoga??…/superbrain-yoga-3-mi…/
    Based on the research of Dr. Joie P. Jones of the Dept. of Radiological Sciences at the University of California, the exercise works using the body’s energy centres which absorb, digest, and distribute energy to different parts of the body. These primary energy centres are actually major acupuncture points. Acupressure energy points for the brain, eyes, forehead, mouth, ovaries, parotid, temples, and testes congregate around the area of the ear affected by pressure from the exercise. In addition, the finger pads used in the exercise stimulate neuropathways into the brain by activating acupuncture points on the earlobes. According to Dr. Jones, after doing the exercise, an EEG scan shows the right and left hemispheres of the brain have synchronized.

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